Like Jesus, we need to overturn the tables of those peddling gender hierarchies within the temple of our bodies.

God’s demonstration of love: “While we were still weak…Christ died for the ungodly” (Rom. 5: 6). The character of love is revealed in the midst of weakness. • False love—as narcissism—preys on weakness rather than protecting it. • False love—as self-loathing—points out weakness rather than providing for it. • False love—as fear—hides from weakness rather than […]
This time of year, many progress-liberal minded Christians criticize the idea that God “turned away from” or “abandoned” Jesus on the cross. And most conservative minded Christians take the idea for granted, because God can’t look at sin. Did God abandon Jesus on the cross?Did the Father forsake the Son in death? Did God turn […]
Why do children want to show you everything? And what’s it got to do with ancient Israel confession of faith—the Shema? Like I said yesterday, the prophets of distraction (paying to make you pay attention to what they are selling) are trying to gain, and hold, and direct your attention. But how do you […]
What is the “social construction” of reality? Is everything just relative and subjective? Is everything just made up? Or could the social construction of reality have something to do with being made in God’s image? This is what I’m thinking about as I finish up Lisa Feldman Barrett’s new book, Seven and a […]