spiritual disciplines

Spiritual Direction is NOT Spiritual Community

Supplement, not Substitute Unpopular (probably) statement… Spiritual Direction is NOT a substitute for spiritual community (what’s often called church). It is only a supplement to church. I know that spiritual direction is richly relationally, and quite spiritual (except when it’s just psychological listening to the self, rather than spiritual listening to God). NOT AN INDIVIDUAL […]

spiritual disciplines

3 Reasons Why Your Spiritual Growth Needs a Splash of Neuroscience

Pray. Read your Bible. Go to church—twice on Sundays.  And don’t sin. Be sure not to sin. These were my devotions (as they were called).  I was raised independent Bible Church baptist.  So we didn’t do that “spiritual discipline” crap.  Only the Catholics did that stuff while trying to “earn their salvation”—so I was told.    But […]

discipleship prayer spiritual disciplines

When Prayer Becomes Bleh and Blah

As theologian Hans Urs von Balthasar says, “Most Christians are convinced that prayer is more than the outward performance of an obligation, in which we tell God things he already knows” (Prayer, 13).   If prayer is more than an obligation, why do we pray? Why Pray? Well, we spontaneously pray when we are filled with […]