What cured me of my modern evangelical-fundamentalist certainty seeking?

Jesus tells—commands us—not to worry. But this isn’t about attacking our emotions. But attaching to God. This command isn’t about changing how we feel. It’s about changing our perspective. This command isn’t about denying our emotions. It’s about shifting how we see and what we seek. This shift comes from looking down, up, and around. Read Luke […]
What is divinity? What does it mean to be divine? Is there a pyramid-scale of divine status? In other words, is divinity like a high school cafeteria with all the cools seniors at one end and the dorky freshmen at the other? Today I’m continuing the video series on “Why Bart Ehrman is Cheating” in […]
Would human rights emerge from a civilization-scale Bible Belt? Does the Bible Belt represent the historic sweep of Christianity? The answer is: No, on all accounts. The Bible Belt would NOT BE a very nurturing cradle in which to raise human rights. In fact, they would probably die of neglect—or something worse. But tragically, most […]
Continuing the “Why Bart Ehrman is Cheating” series on his book, “How Jesus Became God”, we look at his claims for being a historian, and how Ehrman is cheating by setting up false opposition between “scientific facts” and “religious fictions”, between agnostic historians and credulous Bible scholars. That’s what this second video in the series […]
Is Jesus really the reason for the season of Christmas? Bart Ehrman is famous for “debunking” Christian claims about the Bible, Jesus, and early Christianity. He claims that early followers CHEATED by making stuff up about Jesus—including the Christmas stories. But maybe Ehrman is the one CHEATING. That’s what this video series is all about. […]
Christian Fundamentalism is like an autoimmune disease. I know it sounds harsh. And I was raised Fundamentalist, and I’ve suffered under its effects. So let me explain. An autoimmune disease is when the immune system attacks the body it is meant to protect. This is what Fundamentalism has been doing to the Evangelical body […]