Attachment discipleship Love

Surrender to Love is Dangerous

And too often Christians, leaders and disciples, replace surrendering to authorities and obedience for surrendering to love. This opens wide the door for abuse. 

“Christianity puts surrender to love right at the core of the spiritual journey.”

Surrender to Love ~ David Benner

But to surrender to anything else but perfect love is dangerous

And too often Christians, leaders and disciples, replace surrendering to authorities and obeying for surrounding to love. This opens wide the door for abuse. 

No Surrendering

The answer to the possible abuse isn’t to replace surrendering to love (and the feared “loss of self”) with a focus on “discovering the true self”, or an “accept me as I am” with attending spiritual trappings.

For really, after all the layers are pulled away, this is all our therapeutic culture can offer us, a minimal “acceptance of self” and “do you / be you” with a spiritual veneer.

But surrender to love means we can’t really be who we really are alone. It is only in relationship that our true self is known (even to ourselves).

Lost Love; Lost Meaning

Perhaps the loss of surrendering to love is connected to the loss of meaning and purpose that people feel, that is plaguing our society.  

To give yourself to something more, something bigger—to risk your life, to offer you life, to someone else—is to find a larger and higher purpose.  But now this risk—this offering, this sacrifice—is seen as the door to fanaticism, if not fascism and radicalization toward violence. To love one is implicitly to hate another, it is thought.

And these concerns are valid. 
Love is dangerous.
But we seems we are lost without it.

Seems we always surrender to something.
It might as well be love.

And this is why we needed a demonstration of God’s loves (see series here), where the king of love conquers all others.

“God demonstrates his own love for us, while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” Romans 5:8

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