For dads, this will make you understand yourself (and feel understood) in a way that few things will—and not just about roughhousing, but how we approach the raising kids. Moms and wifes—please read too. 😉 At a time when “toxic” masculinity is putting old practices and playtimes on trial, this explanation of roughhousing—and by extension, […]

And the other thing we mostly forget. For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does. The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up […]

These 4 theses on masculinity are sure to provoke people one way or the other. These thoughts were prompted by the APA report on masculinity, discussions of toxic masculinity, my church having a panel on masculinity last week (which was amazing), 15 years of raising 2 boys, etc. Just trying get my thoughts out (see […]
The Thing We Forget About Jesus’ Baptism

Or, Should Christians Wear Crystals? Contrary to other answers here, I would say Yes, positive and negative energy exists, and they are at work in your life. But the Bible talks about it pretty differently than new age spirituality does. And there is a whole different kind of protection that Christians have, much better than […]

Asking if Pentecost leads to democracy might sound like an odd question. But I really want to ask whether Christianity has a particular political-social form. In other words, is Christianity particularly suited for (or the cause of) Western Liberalism? Or, does the Spirit that animates Pentecost also animate democracy? Pentecost and Equality Some see Pentecost, […]

God’s Love is Not a Starter Kit

God’s love is not the starter kit, to which you then add other more complicated characteristics later, when you’re more experienced. God’s love is not just the front door, leading to other rooms of more sophisticated attributes and truths. God’s love is not the shiny wrapping paper covering a more complicated gift that demands greater […]
Really, My Brother’s Keeper?

“Am I my brother’s keeper?” Outside the fact that Cain had already killed is brother, this doesn’t seem like a particularly damning thing to say. Maybe somewhat calloused. Somewhat disconnected, dismissive. But in our distracted, transitory, and dispassionate culture our relational connections are pretty flimsy. Relational expectations are at an all time minimum. Ty Grigg […]