We shouldn’t just state the fact of Jesus being the reason for the saying—that we remember his birth at Christmas. We need to fill this out—otherwise it just becomes a meaningless slogan in a hopeless culture war. We need to look deeper. Why did God come to earth for our salvation? What was God […]
Tempers get hot. People start running. Misunderstandings abound. That’s what happens when people start talking about religion and politics, immigration and universalism. We think we’re debating ideas. But really we’re feeling deep emotions (mostly unacknowledged). Feelings and relationships come fast in our brain (right brain, primarily)—our emotions. Thoughts, reasons, and clear arguments come slow (left brain, […]
My fundamental concern is that our humanity is at stake—our dignity (not just our freedom). And this is the reason moderates—and progressives—should reject David Bentley Hart’s universalism: he loses the unique beauty (and disaster) of the human person in his relentless pursuit of metaphysical clarity and coherence. There are several reasons why a person like […]
I’ve stated some of my major objections to David Bentley Hart’s new book on universalism, That All Shall Be Saved, elsewhere on Scot McKnight’s blog. But there I didn’t do much summarizing, quoting, or detailed engagement. So I want to add that here for those who want to dig deeper into Hart’s arguments for Christian […]
Just want to say thank you to everyone who helped fund the new podcast. It IS ALREADY FUNDED, and we have two days to go. YES! Any addition funds that come in will got equipment, maintenance costs, and subscriptions fees that will make it even easy to produce and sustain a high quality podcast. Sounding: Do men and women read the […]
Serious Question: Why were believers in Jesus first called followers of the Way? (Please comment, I’d love to know your thoughts). In, But Not Of? I’m getting ready for my “Theology of Church and Culture” class at Northern Seminary. So I’m reflecting on the “in the world, but not of the world” nature of the […]