Jesus tells—commands us—not to worry.
But this isn’t about attacking our emotions.
But attaching to God.
This command isn’t about changing how we feel.
It’s about changing our perspective.
This command isn’t about denying our emotions.
It’s about shifting how we see and what we seek.
This shift comes from looking down, up, and around.
Read Luke 12:22-32.
Looking Down
Jesus tells us to look down at God’s creation. Look at the birds. Look at the fields. The birds get what they need without storing any food. And the fields are made beautiful without working or worrying.
Looking down reminds us that God has made a world full of bounty and blessing. God cares for all of his creatures, us included.
Looking Up
And Jesus tells us to look up at our Father in heaven. We mean so much more to the Father, we are so much more valuable to God, than the birds and the fields. In facts, our Father already knows and understands our needs.
Looking up reminds us that God is already looking down, already sees us and our needs.
Looking Around
Finally Jesus tells look around at those who don’t know about the heavenly Father (the pagan nations, the Gentiles who weren’t Jews at that time). These people don’t know the promises, the loving-kindness, the enduring faithfulness the Father shows to his people. The nations strive after all these things because they not attached to God.
Looking around reminds us that those without a loving Father seeking and striving after all these things. But it should not be so with us who know and love the Father who knows and loves us.
Seeking the Kingdom of Attachment
Jesus ends by telling us to seek first the kingdom of the Father, the kingdom of secure attachment. Abundant life is found in God’s kingdom, where we are securely attached to our Father in heaven.
And, then, from our attachment to God, will flow all the other things we need.
So let us shift our perspective, let us look to the Father who is looking down on us, and let this cause our worry to slip away.
For where your attachment is, there your love will be also.
(This is a new kind of post for me as I connect attachment research and spiritual formation. Please let me know what you think)

4 replies on “When “Do Not Worry!” isn’t Harmful but Helpful”
This is so great Geoff! I love the perspective you’ve gathered out of these verses!
This idea of changing perspective rather than emotion is interesting. I have always wondered how to not worry or be anxious about nothing because emotion bubbles up before thinking. Emotion is just suddenly there. I have, sometimes, thought about trust when I’m worried. How to trust in a greater way. Really hard when you child is in pain. But considering it even, seems like turning toward God. Guessing that is attaching.
And it seems like v. 32 re-states the “do not worry” command as, “don’t be afraid,” which directly relates to attachments; and fortifies the idea with us now being the “little flock”, and with the assurance of the Father’s pre-pleasure in giving us the very thing he has commanded/called/invited us to seek…
He is already a smiling face gazing in our direction… an attachment gold-mine.