Or, why progressive-liberals are as trapped by the modern, literalistic reductions as evangelical-fundamentalists.
“God” is Not a Person?

God’s demonstration of love: “While we were still weak…Christ died for the ungodly” (Rom. 5: 6). The character of love is revealed in the midst of weakness. • False love—as narcissism—preys on weakness rather than protecting it. • False love—as self-loathing—points out weakness rather than providing for it. • False love—as fear—hides from weakness rather than […]
Beginning again with God’s Love I’ve begun again to dive into God’s love—for me, for us, for everyone (and by “again” I mean perhaps for the first time as I continue to integrate the cognitive and affective aspects of life). Too often it feels that God’s love becomes an abstraction, separated from the concrete reality […]
Christian doctrine—at its best—leads us into mystery and prayer.But mystery isn’t a replacement for doctrine, or an excuse not to think theologically, or not provided arguments. The doctrines of the Trinity (3 person : 1 God) & Christology (2 natures : 1 persons) are sophisticated articulations that keep us from saying both TOO MUCH and […]
Does the bodily resurrection of Jesus matter for Christianity? Is a physical resurrection of the believers part of faith? It’s what we’ve been talking about this week. Many now say, “No. A physical resurrection is immaterial to the truth of Easter and the power of Christianity.” Marcus Borg is a good example. Here is what […]
Interesting that Faith, Hope, Grace, and Charity are women’s names, not men’s names (at least in English speaking West). Does this point to the feminization of the church in the West? Perhaps. But I doubt it. (picture credit: Faith, Hope and Charity, by James Christensen) Maybe the Work of God is Always A Critique of […]