Or, why progressive-liberals are as trapped by the modern, literalistic reductions as evangelical-fundamentalists.
“God” is Not a Person?

Jesus breaks the “in group” bias of forgiveness for those like us and the “out group” fault-finding of those others. In the presence of an enemy, will we… • Attack, or attune?• Escalate, or empathize?• War, or reconcile? It is clear how God responded… “While we enemies, we were reconciled to God through the […]
Thinking the truth of sexual abuse would be a distraction means we don’t know the gospel of the crucified and risen Lord, and that we have a disembodied faith. The disembodied faith of SBC leadership causes 3 tragic results… • The debasement of bodies (primarily of women and minorities)• The distortion of truth (as a […]
As I continue reflecting and growing in my awareness of God’s love for me, I’m thinking of enemies. Seems Christians on both sides are done with their enemies on the other side, would rather they just disappeared (or were destroyed). But God demonstrates a different kind of enemy-love. What Enemies Reveal Like weakness, the presence […]