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Why Pray? (and other issues)

in this newsletter: a question, being a hero, and atonement stuff

Here are some of the things I’ve been thinking and reading about:

Soundings (a question this week)

I have a good friend who is in a funk about prayer.

He and a bunch of people in his orbit are wondering “Why pray?”

I know this question can go a bunch of different directions. But before I start working on an answer for him, I was wondering what you think the biggest hangups are with prayer and/or what best answers are for “Why pray?”

Here are a couple to get started?

How is prayer connect to:

  • God’s sovereignty or will? Does prayer change God’s mind?
  • God’s knowledge? Are we telling God something God doesn’t already know?
  • Experiencing God’s presence? Or am I just going through the motions?

What would you add are yours (or people you know) biggest hang ups?


On a book that I’m really hoping to find time to read soon, on the coddling of the American mind.

As we look toward the cross of Christ, we need to clear up some misunderstandings and what’s really necessary about the atonement (both by Derek Vreeland).

Church attendance is down. But why? The answer might be simpler than thought.

And, watch out! Captain Marvel just might cause little girls to be heroes. O, the horror!

Disrupt the social media algorithms!!!

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