Atonement Recent Posts

Who Are We On Good Friday?

Truth is, we all want blood, even if just to be entertained.  Some want physical blood still. Others are content with social media outrage. But we are like those who demanded the blood of Jesus on Good Friday. 

As the religious (right & left) and the activists (right & left), we would rather get on with our plans and plots, win the culture war for our side, convert the infidels and save our country.  We are just like the priests who handed Jesus over to the Romans claiming they had no king but Caesar.

As the elites, aloft in wealth, status, and power, we would rather sustain the status quo, get rid of the trouble maker, get back to normal.  We are just like Pilate looking to Caesar instead of to God.  

As the nones and the dones, who don’t want anything to do with Jesus, who never have, who don’t really care.  We choose Barabas just for the spectacle of it all, to unleash chaos on the religious leaders and cultural elites.  We are just like the mob calling for crucifixion. 

As the ones claiming we would never give up on the truth, or turn away, or stand for anything less, or other than God, we would really rather not follow Jesus in the hardships.  We are like Peter denying Jesus.  

As the ones who find a benefit claiming closeness to Jesus, but we know that it is all pretense and positioning.  We are choosing the silver every time when it comes to it.  We are like Judas betraying Jesus.

Will we confess who we are? Those who offered Jesus up to death.

Will we receive who we could be? Those offered forgiveness by Jesus. 

“Father, forgive them; for they do not know what they are doing” (Luke 23:34)

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