When people say they support some kind of Christian Nationalism…
What are they thinking? And why?
What are they hoping for and in?
What are they fearing?
The Threat (say the liberals)
For many on the left, asking this question about reasons is besides the point.

In Paul Miller’s summary of the politically progressive left (from his The Religion of American Greatness): “Conservative Christian political activism is not a movement to be studied or taken seriously. Rather, it is an aggressive faction bent on cultural and political dominance, a movement of racists and theocrats; misogynistic, homophobic fascists who hate freedom, science, and reason; in response to whom there is no understanding, only victory or defeat.”
In this politically progressive view, conservative Christians are mostly a bundle of irrational fears, nostalgic hopes, and bigotry.
They don’t really have any cogent reasons.
They just have primal and tribal reactions.
Looking at recent books about the Christian Right by political progressive authors, Miller shows that this characterization accurately describes the view of the secular Left toward the Christian Right.
But are conservative Christians who might wonder “What’s so bad about some kind of Christian nationalism? Aren’t we a Christian nation after all?” all really closet racists and homophobic fascists?
Or do they have—at least they think—good reasons for their view?
This is what I want to briefly consider.
(Right now I’m talking about Christian Nationalism as a considered, thoughtful option. But of course it is also an explosive movement akin to a folk religion. Also see Paul Miller’s post on “What is Christian Nationalism?“)
Adding “Christian” to modify “Nationalism”
The reasons for adding “Christian” to “Nationalism” (which we defined in the previous post) go something like this:
- America is its own distinct nation, with its own distinct cultural history and values.
- This cultural history and values are distinctly Anglo-Protestant — a mixture of early British cultural and political influences coupled with Protestant Christianity.
- Because America’s cultural inheritance was Anglo-Protestant (factual description), therefore it should remain Anglo-Protestant (political prescription).
For many conservative Christians, these three ideas add up to the specific political should of staying a Christian Nation.
To use Miller’s words: “the United States government should privilege, protect, and promote Anglo-Protestant norms and culture.”
For Miller, “Christian nationalism asserts that there is something identifiable as an American “nation”, distinct from other nations; that American nationhood is and should remain defined by Christianity or Christian cultural norms; and that the American people and their government should actively work to defend, sustain, and culture America’s Christian culture, heritage, and values.”
The “Christian” theoretical and theological basis
But we must add two things to the above three reasons for preserving a Christian America. And they make this kind of nationalism especially “Christian”.
- Anglo-Protestantism makes up the theoretical, or philosophical, basis for the American experiment in freedom and democracy. Therefore, if this cultural foundation erodes then so will our ability to preserve our freedom and democracy.
- And theologically, many conservative Christians believe that God blesses nations that honor him. Therefore, if America drifts far from its Anglo-Protestant heritage is will lose God’s blessing and invite God’s judgement.
Both of these statements make up what people mean when they say, “America is a Christian Nation.”
Now, within the 3 reasons and 2 ideas are many problematic assumptions.
But that’s for next time (make you sure you get these posts below).
Next Up: What Christian Nationalism Gets Right & Wrong
If you want help answering “Are We A Christian Nation” get this free training by Dr. David Fitch.