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Weekly Sounding: Following the Way (and Culture) ?

Serious Question:

Why were believers in Jesus first called followers of the Way? (Please comment, I’d love to know your thoughts).

In, But Not Of? 

I’m getting ready for my “Theology of Church and Culture” class at Northern Seminary. So I’m reflecting on the “in the world, but not of the world” nature of the church (John 17:14-19).

I often reference the need to balance this in my lectures. But I think I’m going to cut all that out. 

Here are two reason:

  1. The “in, but not of” too often creates antagonisms between the church and others.
  2. It makes cultural engagement an “all or nothing” mentality, as if the church we one thing, and the world another thing in the world. 

The “in, but not of” mentality is all too static. Some leader makes a decision, and then it’s settled.

On The Way

But early Christians (or better, Christ-ones, those conformed to Christ) were know as “followers of the Way” (Acts 9:2; 22:4; 19:23).  Being on the way is less of a venn diagram mentality, and more of journey perspective for me. 

Way of Jesus (the way of truthfulness and life [John 14:6]) is something we walk. And this Way might wind around different parts of culture, weave through government institutions and programs, and even wander through life.  

In fact, if at any moment you already know how God is working in a part of society—before deep engagement—then you have probably exchanged the Way of Jesus for something else (and idol/ideology).

Rather, this Way might not always make sense to us.

But if we stay close to the Shepherd, and know his voice, then we will be sure to stay on his Way.  And if we constantly search the received words of God (in scripture), then it will be easier to receive the continual direction & correction of Jesus as we travel on his Way.  

Sometimes we won’t like this way. Sometimes we won’t understand this way. But will we continue to follow his Way. 


Why do you think we opt for the “in, but not of” instead of “the way” understanding of the church and world?
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