Or, Should Christians Wear Crystals?
Contrary to other answers here, I would say Yes, positive and negative energy exists, and they are at work in your life. But the Bible talks about it pretty differently than new age spirituality does. And there is a whole different kind of protection that Christians have, much better than crystals.
Three Types of Energy
Off the cuff as a theologian and a pastor, I would say there are three types of energy the Bible talks about, and they connect with us having a spirit, soul, and body/mind.
1) Spiritual energy is connected to our “spirit.”
2) Relational energy is connected to our “soul.”
3) Neural energy is connected to our “body/mind.”
Negative spiritual energy attacks us.
Negative relational energy wounds us, making us easy targets for spiritual attack.
And negative neural energy (our brains and bodies) tempt us through bad habits and addictions.
[Side note: I’m adding these to the typical energy sources that science talks about (heat, light, motion, electrical, chemical, nuclear, and gravity). The three I listed connected to body, soul, and spirit are intimately connected to all the others, even if we don’t always know how.]
Let me explain.
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Power Encounter with a Spiritual Energy
I had a couple vivid experiences in college that illustrate the reality of spiritual energy. I went to college in Santa Cruz, California. It is a very spiritually charged place. Everyone had ghost stories, and strange occurrences. People practice new age spirituality and witchcraft all over the place. After a couple weeks living in a new apartment I also had a spiritual occurrence. But it wasn’t fun.
In the middle of the night I woke up with a dark presence in the corner of the my room. I was full of terror. And frozen in bed. I couldn’t move a muscle, not from lack of trying. I couldn’t speak or do anything. I was in the grip of this malevolent presence (call it negative energy if you want), and it won’t let me go. Did I say I was terrified?
But then, from the deep recesses of my mind came a Bible verse from 1 John 4:4: “Greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world.”
And I remembered that the one who was in me is Jesus Christ, God who had become fully human.
So from the back of my mind I just kept thinking, praying, and speaking the name of Jesus until his name popped out of my mouth. As soon as the name of Jesus crossed my lips evil presence immediately left and I could move again.
You might think I was just having a bad night.
But the same thing occurred every time I moved to another house or apartment! After a couple days in a new place I was confronted by what I later came to know was an evil spirit living in that place (what many would call bad or negative energy). And then I would struggle to speak the name of Jesus, and when I did the evil presence was forced to leave.
And this didn’t just happen in California. It happened again when I moved to Chicago. Slowly I was learning more and more that the one “in me” is greater than whatever it was that was attacking me.
I was having a power encounter with negative spiritual energy—or what many call demons, or evil spirits. But because Jesus had overcome all that bad energy I didn’t need to fear them any more.
Learn how to quiet an anxious and avoidant faith by attaching to God and others in our Attaching to God learning cohort.
Relational Energy
Bad spiritual energy isn’t the only kind. We also need to understand that there is relational energy.
Relational energy is the inflow and outflow of energy needed to be in relationship with someone. Sometimes when we are with people we feel they are dragging us down, or after we are done being with them we feel exhausted. Other people we love to be around because they are bring us up and fill us up. One person give us relational energy. The other take it away. Or one person gives us positive relational energy (when we feel fully alive) and the other gives us negative relational energy (we want to crawl in a hole).
Most often good or bad relational energy comes through the words people speak. As Hawk Nelson sings, “Words can build you up. Words can break you down. Start a fire in your heart or put it out.” If you’ve been told you are stupid long enough then you are going to believe it. That negative energy will stick to you long after that person is gone.
Neural Energy
The last type of energy has to do with our brains and bodies (which are intimately connected).
Neural energy is the energy flowing through our neural pathways, pathways that are initially made when we are young through all the relational energy (positive or negative) we received. Our neural pathways are also paved through our habits and actions. Often we think we are making decision and acting with intention. But in reality we are just sliding down well-established neural pathways—following the energy signal wherever it leads us because of our habits (of thought or action).
If we were loved then our brains will assume the world is a safe and caring place, and we will be resilient in hardship, we will protect the weak, and we will contribute creatively to the world.
If we weren’t well loved well as children then our brains will assume the world is dangerous and unpredictable, we will be discouraged by hardship, we will become predators on the weak (or will be the weak ones preyed upon), and we will not contribute positively to the world.
These things happen not necessarily because we chose them, but because of the neural pathways.
Learn how to quiet an anxious and avoidant faith by attaching to God and others in our Attaching to God learning cohort.
Greater is He than…All the Negative Energy
What does all this have to do with protection for bad energy?
Well, remember the verse I mentioned, 1 John 4:4. It says that Jesus is greater that he who is (or they) in the world.
1) Jesus is greater than the evil spirits that would attack and destroy us (the negative spiritual energies).
2) Jesus is the true word of God who speaks words of love and belonging to us, healing our wounds (overcoming all negative relational energy).
3) And Jesus, the Word become flesh (in brain and body), promises to retrain our neural pathways if we follow him rather than fall into temptation. Can can have the mind of Christ through the Spirit of Christ (overcoming negative neural energy).
So while bad energies would attack (spirit) , wound (soul), and tempt us (body), Jesus overcome those and gives us life-giving words, words that bring positive energy.
Better than a Crystal — Positive Relationships
What you need to ward off bad energy is not a crystal. For all you know that crystal is opening you up to attacks by negative spiritual energy.
The only way to get rid of the impact of these negative energies is to really grow your own relational energy. With really high relational energy (what some call joyful connections) you are protected from attacks from spiritual realm (spiritual energy) and withstand temptations from our flesh (brain/body). The best way to grow in relational energy is to have better words, is to believe better words, about ourselves and others.
Positive Thinking, or Word Made Flesh?
This is where “self-help” and the “power of positive thinking” get it right. Words, the right words, words that speak life and joy and hope and strength, will radically transform your life.
But these kinds of therapy and counseling are wrong because we can’t just give ourselves new words. No matter how hard we try, our own words just won’t do the trick. We have to receive these words from another person—someone who is both an authority (they know what they are talking about) and they are someone intimate to us (so we can believe them and know they care for us).
Jesus Christ—fully God and fully human—is this person. He is the best person to give us better words because he is the very Word of God. As fully God, Jesus is the authority we need to overcome all the bad energy (the negative words). And as fully human, Jesus is intimate to us, coming close to us in our weakness and building us up with compassion.
A Cross, Not a Crystal
If you need something, then get a cross to wear instead of a crystal.
Not because a cross has any power in itself (like in the exorcism movies and all that). But a cross can remind you that Jesus crossed out the power of all that negative energy in your life. A cross can remind you that the name of Jesus is more powerful than all the negative energy killed him. But God overcame even death, cancelled all that negative power, and was raised back to life. And he promised to do the same for you.
Don’t miss any posts on energy, science, and faith. Please subscribe to my newsletter (here or above in the sidebar) and/or listen to Being With: On Neuroscience and Faith.
38 replies on “The Only Way to Get Rid of All the Negative Energy in Your Life”
To really enjoyed reading this. I have always believed and always been positive . however 45 years later and it’s just getting harder and harder. Even when my brain tells my heart that God is stronger than anything and I try with all my might reject the devil or negativity that seems to be directed or directing towards me. No matter what I do or how I do it I can only manage to barely keep my mouth and nose above water . I truly do not want to drown. It seems to be getting worse. Hopefully I can overcome my problem since I have found your site. Thank you for your” breath of fresh air” God bless you and yours.
Wow, Jessica! You just typed the words in my head. I’m right where you are, exactly where you are. Keeping the faith becomes harder and harder each day, as it feels like I’m drowning further and further.
I’m looking forward to any messages here with suggestions, because like you, I can’t take much more before I break.
All negative energy can be spoken to in Jesus name. Once you feel negative energy , command it to leave. Say this is my command, I have the Holy Spirit to assist me with this process. All negative entities/demons have to obey . You must say, I ask the Holy Spirit to assist me. Then ask for God’s loving protection to surround you. Love cast out all fears. Fear is food for entities. They will feast /eat when fear is present. Ask that nothing can come between you and the Holy Spirit .
I’ve had many attacks by negative energy for almost half my life. You need prayer warriors/ friends , church prayers always. God brings joy. Don’t think I still get attacks. I do. That’s how I ended up here. Love is the highest form of energy . God is pure love. Ask him everyday , just like brushing your teeth, to surround you with his loving presence . We’ve all felt god’s presence before. Ask for his presence daily .
Command those negative spirits by the blood and name of Jesus Christ to leave and go where Jesus instructs them and forbid and bind them never to return! This has been the strongest command in Jesus name I ever used!!. And I get straight back into a hopeful, excited, worry free and positive frame of mind with my faith and belief of our Lord!! He loves us, He wants nothing but good for us!
Hi Jessica one thing we as human being believe we have to resolve everything our way. God is fighting our battles behind the scenes. Once we give Him our trials, storms, burdens; we release it dont hold on to it by thinking about it or wondering when will it end. It is done in God’s time believe, release, reflect, and have faith. Once you step back to look in you will recognize what God defeated, one thing at a time. The same way God took a day to complete one part of the world He will defeat all your trials one day at a time.
Hi Jessica my life is in such turmoil right now. I hear you. The more I pray the worse it gets. However I believe that good change is about to come its happened before. Usually when you pray and things seem to get worse its because the enemy doesn’t want good change in your life. Eventually things do settle down. At the moment I am going through a living breathing hell. My partner has broken my heart and I have to leave. No rental history so scared. Please pray for me as I’ll pray for you. To all the readers out there dont stop praying. God does listen. Jesus is there. God bless love Nicky
Hi Nicky , I got you . U in my prayers.
Christianity is the practice of Satanism and witchcraft just think about it
I hope things are better now. I will pray for you
I’ve been fighting negativity really bad since I moved to a different city. To the point I feel so broken I can barely function.
Being a Christian for 17 years,I am going thru dark times in my house,feeling the evil around me I’d terrifying, Trying to draw closer to my Lord so I can defeat what’s here.
Jennifer keep praying. In 2003 my father was killed by an angle grinder and I know it was because my mother was into witchcraft. In 2000 I was thrown up and down the hallway and screamed out to jesus but no voice came then I was thrown back into my bed. I’ve been through terrifying experiences so I know what you’re going through yell out jesus get the bible and quote scripture. Something happened to me recently when I was praying over my aunties dresser because she was into witchcraft also. A dark prescence left. Dark spirits can attach themselves to objects. Keep saying the blood of jesus. Hopefully this will help you. Just keep saying jesus
It happening to me. I brought a house full of negative energy. You can’t be afraid of it, stand on God’s word and know he’s protecting you. Bless your house. Tell the negative energy to leave in the name of the Father Son and the holy spirit. I just had a Priest to Bless my home. I Bless my home daily. Play psalms 91 from youtube the long version while you sleep. I hope things get better stay in the word. Play gospel song . You can call on Arche Angel ? Michael for protection as well
I am blessed with this words of encouragement,I have been having this spiritual attack all my life,I feel this spiritual force sometimes when I sleep in day time,the spirit will hold me down,even when I am awake I still can’t raise up,until I get wet,I have gone for prayers from different men of God but still yet,its still following me,I need help from above and I want you that are reading this to help me pray to the lord our God,so that I can be free from this spiritual attack..Amen
I am praying for you and understand what you’re saying. I feel like I need something tangible to help me clear any negative energy blocks. I have been prayed over by strong Christians too. Please pray to Jesus for physical Assistance and to have some type of application of letting it go and let God forever take it away.
Lucy Tallarita
I believe that death and life is in the power of the tongue. I also believe that we can think negative through as well as receive them from others. Satan target is our mind. He starts with a though and if we entertain that thought long enough it will become an action. We have to do as Philippians 4:8 commands. we have to think on good report. We have the power through Jesus to change what we are thinking. Just because someone is knocking at your door doesn’t mean you have to let them in. Same with thoughts. You control what you want to mediate on. It’s a every day challenge and satan will continue to look for opportunities. Jesus reminded us of this in the wildness when satan tempted him after he had fast 40 days and 40 night. We resist the devil by telling him NO! we resist him by telling what the the word of God say and what the blood of Jesus has done for us. We are overcome by the blood of the lamb and the words of our testimony. Satan will Not leave on the ground of us trying to make him. He will only leave when we use the word of God against him. If Satan tell us we can’t do something we tell him according to Philippians 4:13 we can do all Things through Christ who strengthen me. Satan want is to believe a lie over the truth. The truth is in the word of God. We have to choose to believe God over anything or anyone. We have to guard our hearts from the lies of the Satan. That’s where the breast plate of righteousness Comes in at. We have to put on the full armor of God. The helmet which guards the thought. The breast plate which guards the heart. We must remember that we have something Satan want and that’s our relationship with God. keeping running your race. Keep fighting a good fight of faith. We as Christians have greater days to look forward too. Be Encouraged!!!!!
Yes,yes ,yes, Father God controls all and everything,our wellbeing depends on our believe on what the word (his wisdom) instructs to do. So we believe and do. God bless!
Hallelujah! I can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens me. Thank you.
fuck you, to you of all shet
Hallelujah, Jesus Jesus Jesus! I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me! Amen! Thank you for your positive insight. I command the enemy out of my mind in Jesus name! Greater IS HE that IS in me than he that is in the world! Hallelujah!
I got possessed can you pray for me?
I got possessed can you pray for me?
God bless you, Amanda. I am so sorry for your spiritual struggles and active warfare.
I sent some prayers your way tonight and hope for the lord to grant you the peaceful release from your afflictions that you are in need of right now.
I, too, am visiting this site tonight because of an awfully shocking and overwhelmingly disturbing experience that I had earlier this week. I have been struggling very badly since a series of catastrophes since Christmas week. I just finished a round of the stomach virus and during the vomiting, I hit a new low and my wife made me to feel absolutely alone in this world and utterly hopeless. In my desperation and despair and active illness and vomiting, I feel that I finally presented the ultimate opportunity for negative entities to attach.
On Wednesday night, I began having slow vision and sudden extreme nausea, even though Monday morning was the official end of my illness and symptoms. It literally felt like I was about to begin vomiting again as if the illness never subsided. It was that point where I began to break down and apologize for being such a hopeless and weak Christian and for not accepting his love like I had used to and for allowing my anger and frustration with our country’s political leaders to be directed at my lord and savior.
This was at 11PM at night. I spent the next 5hrs dealing with involuntary convulsions, a terrifying inability to pray nor even remember any of my prayers or the simple lords prayer, as well as witnessing and experiencing the sensations and emotions and that come with a negative spirit that had clearly been attached to me since 6th grade. Deeply repressed memories of anguish, pain, humiliation and suffering were leaving my body and felt as though they were traveling out of my muscles and my groin into my windpipe and eventually exiting through my mouth.
I finally broke down and cried hysterically to God, begging for his unconditional love and forgiveness for being such a wretched man and for how foolish and blasphemous my attitude had become lately. As I began to say the words “I’m sorry–” it was as if a holy vacuum cleaner began furiously sucking something out of my body. Whatever it was absolutely did not want to leave my body and the sensations it created and the convulsions and muscle spasms and burning and pins and needles in every random place and unnatural fluttering of air in my lungs/muscles/airways/sinuses felt as if something was literally converting from pressure inside of my body into actual air that was being forced out of every inch of my insides.
This feeling of being rescued was incredible and absolutely terrifying all at once. There was an awfully disturbing sensation that the entity was clearly creating that felt like it was actually sucking air out of me while not actually removing any air at all. It felt as if this force was leaving my body through my mouth, and it suddenly left my mouth and there was only one tiny little tip of it still gripping on to my face while continuing to create that sensation of stealing my breath. I had thought that after everything calmed down that it was over and that I was finally freed of this lifelong burden.
I was trying to gather myself and my thoughts, as I couldn’t even remotely compute what had just transpired. Suddenly, I felt something forcing itself from the back of my neck and my eyes and then mouth, beginning to insert itself back into my body. The pressure and malaise began spreading over my body as it forced its way into my body. I could feel the awful, extremely high-pressure and ill sensations of its presence filling my stomach and eventually filling my legs all the way down to my feet. At that moment I knew that this was all really happening and that I had no control and was powerless without God and Jesus.
This thing prevented me from praying. It clouded my thoughts and made me forget all of my prayers. I eventually was able to call out to God after struggling for hours and went through the entire “holy vacuum” cleanse several more times.
Unfortunately, it has not left me entirely and I am still afflicted. But I now know whom I need to call upon and how to handle this situation. I will be enlisting the help of spiritual experts and rejoining our catholic parish this week and plan on following through with finally getting baptized. I may be afflicted, but God and myself are now back at the wheel, and I remind myself, every hour since, that through him all things are possible and that there is nothing greater or more awesome than the unfathomable power and love of our lord and savior.
I hope this helps bring hope and comfort to others who have suffered a similar awful experience and have no idea what they have endured. I love you all and pray for all of our protection and peace in our God.
Was it a tingling feeling you felt?
I really need help. Please anyone reading this I am drowning. Help me get back up.
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What an insightful read, Geoffrey! The idea of different types of negative energy—spiritual, relational, and neural—really resonated with me. It’s like discovering the Holy Trinity of bad vibes! Your personal story about the dark presence had me on the edge of my seat. Seriously, why do these things always happen at night? I’m curious, though, how do you suggest we balance this spiritual approach with practical daily actions? Maybe we need a “bad energy” SWAT team? Loved the humor and depth in your writing. Keep it coming!
I have been with negative energy and bad spirits for almost over 4 years now I have tried everything to rid of this I see the eyes it’s everywhere in my body my clothes my food everything please I need help to rid of this it’s wearing me down!! PLEASE HELP ME GOD BLESS YOU
Exactly. This lowlife pagan piece of crap knows what it’s doing.
Stop this Christian idolatry disgusting worshipping the dead madness. Only then will you be ok.
[…] The Only Way to Get Rid of All the Negative Energy in Your Life – https://geoffreyholsclaw.net/way-get-rid-negative-energy-life/ […]
Pls help me am suffering form negative energy
Please red chapter no.2 surah baqrah ,no negative energy will harm
[…] people have fears about sharing their healing crystals, mainly because they worry about negative energy transfer. There’s a common belief that a crystal can become “contaminated” when others […]
I’ve been struggling with spiritual attacks in the form of set backs, financial instability, and loneliness. It feels like something does not want me out in the world shining my light, when I look at others getting through life effortlessly it makes me question why me. When I was 19 my family had witchcraft done on me, they couldn’t understand why I was experiencing the pain I was experiencing. I can sense when someone is directing negative energy towards me I’m around a lot of envious people. When I began praying to Jesus, I seen the protection in my life but it’s like I walked into a spiritual battle. Something wants me to end my life
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