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Theology of Scripture?

I’ve been reading two books on a theology of Scripture in order to beef up my class on “Biblical and Theology Reflections on Ministry and Culture” (what a mouthful, not my title) at Northern Seminary (their MDim program).

They are both from a more Reformed perspective, for what it is worth.

“Words of Life” is light version of Kevin Vanhoozer’s “Drama of Doctrine”.
“Living and Active” is theological understanding of the Bible using the church fathers, the journey of the word in Scripture and in the Church.

They were pretty good, but do you all know any non-Reformed books on Scripture?

Photo on 1-14-14 at 9.32 AM


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15 replies on “Theology of Scripture?”

Geoff, I’m reading N.T. Wright’s “The Last Word”. It’s very good. Yes, I know NT Wright identifies as Reformed, but I get the feeling that it looks like something a little different when he says it across the pond. Also, it’s probably less academic than the 2 you mentioned and if I had any complaint about it, it would be that it’s much too brief.

beardonabike Yes, I love that book by Wright.  That is the one I actually assign for the class, but it is by another title: “Scripture and the Authority of God” (basically same book printed for US a couple years later).

Not sure what exactly your class is about, but one of my favorite hermeneutical books is W. Randolph Tate’s Biblical Interpretation.

Hey Geoff, have you read Joel Green’s Seized by Truth? Not super-dense, but a very good approach to Scripture in the Methodist/Wesleyan camp.

dckludt Yes, I have it, and have breezed through it.  I liked it from what I remember.  But not organized very well I think.

“The Domain of the Word” and “Holy Scripture: A Dogmatic Sketch”, both by John Webster, are going to be pretty different. Pretty dense though.

dmroberts777 I haven’t see “Domain”, but I have to be honest, not a fan of his “Dogmatic Sketch”.  I’m all for theology (hence me being a theology prof), but that was a little too “theological/dogmatic” without connection to text or community.

geoffholsclaw dmroberts777 “Domain” isn’t out yet but my guess is that it will develop more of what’s in “Dogmatic Sketch”. I don’t necessarily disagree with your critique. While I found much of it challenging (in a good way), I’m with you on it’s connection to community especially.

Here’s a book that’s from a Lutheran perspective. If I recall correctly, it has a substantial interaction with Barth and the post-liberals, making it a good contribution to the contemporary conversation.

I haven’t read it, but Ben Witherington has a book entitled: The Living Word of God: Rethinking the Theology of the Bible. Might be worth checking out.

Check out “Reading the Bible After Christendom” by Lloyd Pietersen. Good book from a Anabaptist angle. Then maybe check out “Stony the Road We Trod” by Cain Hope Felder or Vincent Wimbush’s “Bible and African Americans” for 2 classic works from the African American Church! Peace.

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