The one of the things, several years ago, that concerned me about the Emerging Church Conversation was that for all its concern for the body (exhibited in holistic medicine, organic food, and even body prayer), I saw a gaping exclusion of, dare I say, the literal ministry of healing prayer (not of just emotional healing) […]
Tag: church
So I’ve been reading Scott Boren’s new Missional Small Groups, not a book I would normally pick up because, well, let’s face it, anything with “Small Groups” in the title is suspect. But after I got over that bout of snobbery I dove in, and it’s been quite compelling. I found chapter three very helpful, […]
Too often the efforts of church planting and evangelism in unreached places, goes by the term ‘missions.’ But when a group of believers is sufficiently gathered, we then say that a ‘church’ has been established. The linking of terms in a before-after type of relationship has often been propagated by mission agencies themselves. But is […]