I sat down with Dr. Paul D. Miller of Georgetown University for the new Grassroots Conversations on YouTube.
We talked about his new The Religion of American Greatness, or “What’s wrong with Christian Nationalism.“
The short answer:
Christian Nationalism is
- an incoherent theory,
- is illiberal in practice,
- and idolatrous in our hearts.
The longer answer:
Watch it below, or here on YouTube (be sure to like and subscribe).
And I’ve also been blogging through the book:
Reckoning with Power – new learning cohort forming (50% off from $197 to $97)
This 6-week learning cohort will teach you to discern the difference between worldly power and the godly power practiced by Jesus, and give you tools for charting a path forward.

This cohort is for you if:
- You learn BEST in interactive community.
- You are disillusioned with the politics of the church.
- You are looking for a new way in our polarized society.
- You are a leader seeking help for your community.
Join the learning cohort now for only $97.