back to the matrix now, just focusing on the themes of sacrifice and self-giving, esp. on Neo’s part, let’s see what the Matrix has to say about itself. In the second movie, Matrix Reloaded, the Architect tells us the matrix always needs to be balanced, all the variables taken care of. The need of free […]
Lines of convergence: global-urban-postmodern During seminary, as i began to think through the emerging church, i worked through questions of the postmodern, to urban concerns, ending with global ponderings. But through that process i’ve seen that the order of priority for me, and I propose for the emerging church conversation, should move from the Global, […]
Chapter Three of the search to belong (in my haste i jumped from chaps 2 to 4 w/o 3, so here it is.) Intro Based out of Edward Hall’s identification of the four spaces of human interaction, Joe broadens Hall’s schematic to include not only questions of culture and communication, but of community and belonging. […]
Chapter Four of the Search to Belong (continued from Thu Nov 6th.) Jumping into chapter four we hear Joe asking, “Why do we promote small groups as the most significant way to build community and congregation? Why have they become a fad of our time? Why do we lead our congregants to believe that small […]
Growth (units) or Growth (tissue) I was recently talking with a friend, who is also a worship leader, about sound equipment, particularly in-ears (headphone/ear-piece monitors, instead of floor monitors). Because they are right in the ear I asked how he could hear the congregation worshipping. He said that they have to mike the congregation and […]
I was just working through Robert Webber’s Journey to Jesus for a curriculum i’m making for my church and he quoted Ephesians 4:11-16. This talks about the gifting of apostles, prophets, evangelists, and pastor/teachers to “equip the saints for the work of the ministry.” I started thinking that many times we think of this “equipping” […]
Cultural Studies As I mentioned before, I’m starting an adventure into the world of “cultural studies.” (I called it “media studies” before but doing more research I think that it really cultural studies.) My justification for this is below in my “media studies” post but maybe need to explain why I think this is different […]
Media studies Spinning off of up/rooted’s last meeting, esp. the discussion of virtual reality and worship, i must voice something that I’ve been thinking for a while. Coming out of my reading in African theology (Theology and Identity) I’ve come to see the necessity of learning about “media studies” and “communication theory.” (this is coming […]