emerging movements, or having already lost the church: if you read no farther, just go to this article by Wendell Berry article, In Distrust of Movements. It talks about movements, ecomonics, and conservation; all things we should be thinking about. (thanks to Brian McLaren for pointing me to it). now concerning movements, particularly the movement […]
Mel Gibson’s “The Passion” was shown at a private screening at Willow Creek Community Church. I’m not really going to discuss the film at present (that will happen soon). Rather I have to comment on its use in the evangelical Christian community, and the irony of it… From what I can tell, Mel Gibson has […]
I’ve recently become friends with an Emergent coordinator from England who is working on his Doctor of Ministry: Leadership in the Emerging Culture. This essay writen by Jason Clark’s focuses on our need to recover the doctrine of creation in relation to redemption, Being Human: The Nature of Spiritual Experience after reading it, hear are […]
Living into Your Baptism At a conference about 3 years ago, I heard Robert Webber say that he was still trying to live into his baptism. At the time I didn’t quite get it what he meant. Now, however, while teaching through our churches pre-baptismal class (partically making it up as we go) Webber’s statement […]
“God will not suffer man to have the knowledge of things to come; for if he had prescience of his prosperity he would be careless; and understanding of his adversity he would be senseless.” You are Augustine! You love to study tough issues and don’t mind it if you lose sleep over them. Everyone loves […]
belonging before believing, and Beyond Sectarianism Many understand that evangelism and discipleship is more than getting someone to say/understand/know certain doctrines. As the saying goes, “belonging before believing,” the turn toward community. But many churches who embrace this have not really gone this to re-evaluate the rest of theology from a non-individualized, privatized perspective. So, […]