

emerging movements, or having already lost the church: if you read no farther, just go to this article by Wendell Berry article, In Distrust of Movements. It talks about movements, ecomonics, and conservation; all things we should be thinking about. (thanks to Brian McLaren for pointing me to it). now concerning movements, particularly the movement […]


Creation as Communion, and it’s Lack

prompted by a good friend joe myers’ post on “the root of sin”, as well as the thoughts below about jason clark’s essay concerning “being human“, and my preparation to preach on Jesus as the Logos, here is a little blurb on creation and redemption. joe asks, “What if the root of sin is good–not […]


Mel Gibson’s “The Passion” was shown at a private screening at Willow Creek Community Church. I’m not really going to discuss the film at present (that will happen soon). Rather I have to comment on its use in the evangelical Christian community, and the irony of it… From what I can tell, Mel Gibson has […]


I was going to writes something about Mel Gibson’s “Passion” and Bill Hybil @ Willow Creek interview at a screening here in Chicago, but I just found out that my house is “unlivalble” due to toxic fumes, so I’ll try later on this next week.


I’ve recently become friends with an Emergent coordinator from England who is working on his Doctor of Ministry: Leadership in the Emerging Culture. This essay writen by Jason Clark’s focuses on our need to recover the doctrine of creation in relation to redemption, Being Human: The Nature of Spiritual Experience after reading it, hear are […]


Living into Your Baptism At a conference about 3 years ago, I heard Robert Webber say that he was still trying to live into his baptism. At the time I didn’t quite get it what he meant. Now, however, while teaching through our churches pre-baptismal class (partically making it up as we go) Webber’s statement […]


my wife, syd, just took the theologian test. Seems we should have a pretty interesting marriage… “It is the chiefest point of happiness that a man is willing to be what he is.” You are Desiderius Erasmus! You have great love for others and will do just about anything to show it to them. You […]


“God will not suffer man to have the knowledge of things to come; for if he had prescience of his prosperity he would be careless; and understanding of his adversity he would be senseless.” You are Augustine! You love to study tough issues and don’t mind it if you lose sleep over them. Everyone loves […]


a very helpful post about the emerging church from a semi-orthodox perspective by Clifton.


belonging before believing, and Beyond Sectarianism Many understand that evangelism and discipleship is more than getting someone to say/understand/know certain doctrines. As the saying goes, “belonging before believing,” the turn toward community. But many churches who embrace this have not really gone this to re-evaluate the rest of theology from a non-individualized, privatized perspective. So, […]