In my last post several tension where pointed out b/w the political and the cultic reading of Jesus in the Gospels. The first is that each doesn’t need the other to make sense. The second is that the political makes Jesus a repeatable model while the cultic makes Jesus a non-repeatable, “once and for all” […]
this post accomplanies my “three bodies of Christ” as I’m exploring my sacramental theology (w/ echos back to the worship/community/individual discussion). This will be in two parts: the first an outline of tensions; the second the Eucharistic resolution. When we come to the gospels two reading of jesus emerge, the political and the cultic. And […]
The Ooze has graciously published a short article of mine called “Lines of Convergence: global-urban-postmodern” where I explore the interaction of the emerging church with urban and global issues. I throw out a bunch of ideas and concern and I would love to hear what you all think. Please interact with the article here b/c […]
easter break
last monday a group i’m part of called up/rooted had Brian McLaren in to talk about the “three phases of spiritual formation.” This is my summary of the gathering (which was initially posted here) Brian McLaren, of Emergent, started of his presentation with two clarifications. 1) The term “spiritual formation” is a Catholic, or non-evangelical, […]
this is a test
the three bodies of Christ
the three bodies of Christ: or reflections on the Eucharist; or my may toward sacramental theology. In Explorations in Theology: the Word Made Flesh, von Balthasar makes this great connection between the historical body of Christ, and the Mystical body of Christ. These two (historical, mystical) are connected via the sacramental body of Christ through […]
new rss feed
not very exciting or profound, but here is my new rss feed b/c blogmatrix went under. so copy it into you reader, or get one at bloglines. I’ve been spending my time fixing my blog and running a gathering called up/rooted with met with Brian McLaren last monday. I’m still recovering. but tomorrow I plan […]
oppressive communities
oppressive communities: two questions are raise: from urbanarmy, isn’t freedom and meaning found in the Missio Dei? (and we all would love to here how you answer this). and from anglobaptist, what are the boundaries/distinctions of the community? And my initial question concerning “oppressive communities”. I’ll start from this last question and then work back […]