Coming out of the recent discussion concerning the work of Walter Brueggemann, Anthony Smith raised the concern that all this talk of scripts is really just a throw back to worldviews. I strenuously disagree, and here is why. During college, and being a faithful evangelic, I was all about discussions of worldviews and apologetics, especial […]
Brueggemann conference
Walter Brueggemann’s 19 Thesis: or, what he’s thinking right now about things. (Walter is an old testament theologian of the post-liberal/yale school mentality if that means anything to you.) 1) Everyone lives by a script. 2) We get scripted through normal nurture and socialization. 3) The dominant script of our society is that of technological-therapeutic-mulitarist-consumerism. […]
Faith and Fantasy
Many, diagnosing the current ailments of the Church, contend that “We are where we are because of what we believe,” meaning that the formal content of Church doctrines are cancerous, needing the radioactive treatment of postmodern, post-foundational philosophy (which is Brian McLaren’s assertion). Now, certainly I have no serious argument that many doctrines (or at […]
(the second of three posts coming out of my summer reading of Lev Manovich concerning new media and technology. Here is the first.) ___ What if all this talk about complexity, self-organizing systems, and the connectivity of life is really just the emergence of a metaphysic to under-gird global capitalism? As Len Manovich says in […]
What does “death to self” mean? Of course, it is not the literal/physical death of the body. So what part of the self is put to death according to the Christian discourse? While often thought so, this does not mean the death of desires or Desire, selfish or not. Why? Because merely placing the death […]
or, dissolving the emerging church missions board!! What is the Emerging Church? What are they up too? How do they conceive of what they are doing? Well, for many, they view themselves as missionaries (or missional communities) to the emerging post-modern culture of the West. But I disagree. (if you are short time, skip to […]
Two people walk into a bar (b/c both believe in drinking) and start a conversation. We will just pretent that they are called B. Mac and Stan H. representing Emergent and the Ekklesia Project. Let’s listen in before they get to drunk to be coherent… — (the question posed by an third party is “What […]
Emerging Church and Cool?
Several people have recently criticized the Emerging Church (maggi dawn and raw faith) while others have defended its need for relevance and incaration (emergent~kiwi). It is an interesting conversation, usually split between the Emerging Church ex-evangelicals trying to reclaim but not become Mainline, Catholic, Anglican tradition, and mainliners from those traditions defending themselves from the […]