
Intro to RO by Archbishop Martinez

, and why RO undercuts supposed contrasts b/w liberals and conservatives: “In the introductive essay to the collective volume entitled Radical Orthodoxy, the three editors of the volume, J. Milbank, C. Pickstock, G. Ward, observe that “the great Christian critics of the Enlightenment (…) in different ways saw that what secularity had most ruined and […]


MacIntyre on Contemporary Theologian

“We can see the harsh dilemma of a would-be contemporary theology: [1] The theologian begins from orthodoxy, but the orthodoxy which has been learnt from Kierkegaard and Barth becomes too easily a closed circle, in which believer speaks only to believer, in which all human content is concealed. [2] Turning aside from this arid in-group […]


from ‘beyond secular reason’

Archbishop Martinez on the ‘battle’ for power: “And this is my main reason to distrust the urge that so many feel nowadays in certain countries (this is the case in Spain) of bringing the Church as Church into the political arena to fight propositions that utterly offend the Christian understanding of human life (the so-called […]


beyond secular reason

I just found this and think it’s great. It is from the same Archbishop who recently called together a larger group of western theologian who he thought are the only hope for theology.(thanks to john wright and ericisrad for the link)


between hauerwas and Constantine

I just read this very interesting apprasial of hauerwas and milbank and social action by steve bush : A Stereoscopic Evangelical Political Theology: Between Hauerwas and Constantine (pdf) over at generousorthodoxy. first of all, I am very excited that emerging theologians are dealing with haurwas, milbank, stout and others so that we might be able […]


a test

is the content messed up now?


What I’m up to now

Well, the summer has come and gone and here I am moving forward a bit at a time. Concerning my academic interest (because that’s what I write about here), I’m sitting in on a class with Steven Long at Garrett. The class is Speaking of God: Theology and Language. It will be a chance to […]


Where I’ll be Going this Spring And Summer

1) In April I’m going (with the whole family) to the WALP (Worship-Arts-Liturgy-Preaching) Conference hosted by Emergent. As they say, it will be a “generative converasation about worship, art, ligurgy, and preaching among Roman Catholic, Orthodox, Mainline Protestant, Anabaptist, and Evangelical/Charismatic leaders, thinkers, and resourcers that will lead to more vital worship…” 2) Also, with […]


poverty: inner city and evangelical

I had a very disturbing realization last night. Not only disturbing, but rather produced deep sorrow for evangelicalism. It is farely well known how poverty effect the family, particularly young women (if you don’t know read “when work disappears“). For those women who see no life beyond the ghetto, whose horizon of existence extends no […]


Where Have I been?

Well, it has been about 6 months since my last entry. Since then all my faithful readers have disappear, floating on to the next promising cloud of wisdom, wit, and perhap profundity (sorry about that to all 5 of you). But let me explain. While i truly loved writing here (and will still continue from […]