Philosophy, Politics, and Critical Theory Philosophy “If the Lord is Risen, why can’t we see Him?” Badiou: Event, Truth, Subject Badiou on Heideggar on Truth Badiou on Truth and the (re)turn of Philosophy Theology’s Conversation Partners: Continental, Analytic, or Beyond? Ricoeur on Levinas: “Self” between the “I” and its overthrow Levinas’ Infinite Trauma Levinas on […]
Emerging Church
Science Fiction Fridays
Objectivity and Truth: the new war (please forgive my militarist tone: i was sitting in the hot sun on vacationwhen I wrote this: although i’m uncertain about the correlation). below i present the new linking of ‘objectivity’ and ‘truth’ which pragmatist develop against foundationalist. But I think this new link is bad, and that truth […]
Warning Label for the Bible
“It’s not about racism, it’s about law and order.”…a response to the immigration marches I read last month. Now of course the true debate around ‘illegal immigrants’ are neither that they are immigrants (concerning racism) nor that they are illegal (law and order). What this is all about really concern economics, not law or ethnicity. […]
I was gone; now i’m back
(continuing on…) It goes like this: The priests of the ‘empty shrine’ (like Stout and Laclau) see a religious community making substantive (and theological) claims about itself and politics in general. To the priests this is an attempt at creating a particularist identity without reference to the larger context (the secularizing context), and therefore sectarian. […]