So, about 2 minutes ago, I’m sitting in Panera, about to work on a little essay I’m writing for A man approaches me and asks me if I can help him with his computer. It keeps freezing on me. After trying for a bit to help him (which I can’t because all I know […]
Where Have I Been?
Badiou: Event, Truth, Subject
Given my continuing interesting in Badiou and his relevance to political and theological inquiry, here is an extended summary of his understanding of the event, truth, and subjectivity,. Below is part of a larger project contrasting recent pragmatist understandings of ‘social objectivity’ with Badiou’s ‘political subjectivity’. But below is just the parts concerning Badiou on […]
Badiou on Heideggar on Truth
In a previous post on Badiou and Truth I summarized the ‘structure of Truth’ but not Badiou’s understand of a ‘truth procedure’ and the becoming new of a truth. Also, in the comments, John noted a similarity between Heideggar and Badiou. I will take up these issues in reference to Badiou’s “Philosophy and Truth” in […]
This is my summary of Badiou’s “The (Re)turn of Philosophy Itself” found in his Manifesto for Philosophy. As you will see, there are many similarities as well as divergences with American pragmatism, of which I had earlier hinted. — This essay is laid out in a series of thesis/propositions. But we will not engage all […]
Augmented Reality and Google Maps
I just saw this over at fast company: Geo-Coupons Land On Google Maps. I think all the new map software is pretty interesting, but I’m wondering about its effects on culture. For one, it continues to reduce the world and put everything on a grid. In this sense, of course, map making is the epitome […]
This is a summary and my response to a article over at first things brought to my attention at GO Thinktank, where I originally posted this. summary: Reno begins with a distinction between foundationalism and anti-foundationalism, with modernity championing the former and postmodernity the latter. Reno asks, Against the appeal of postmodern thought and its […]
it’s a saddleback day
over at C&P
I’ll just jump right into Oneself as Another to explain R.’s reading of Levinas, and an approach to pragmatism and political versions of phychoanalysis. The basic thesis, explored through the many detours of ‘sematics,’ ‘action theory,’ ‘narrative temporality of the self,’ and ‘moral/ethical obligations,’ is that “the selfhood of oneself implies otherness to such an […]