(The ‘value’ is about $100 million per campaign…but that’s getting ahead of myself) Here are some recent news stories that relate to my recent questioning of elections. The first two relate to the funding of the candidates (While we may vote for the presented candidates, who decides which candidates are presented? Those with Money of […]
(WARNING: while seeming to be a theoretical post, this is important, ending with an earnest question.) If not through a violent coup de taut, how do dictators come to power?Voting. Hitler! How do seemingly mediocre or blatantly partisan politicians come to power?Voting. Louis Bonaparte! (Although he probably didn’t come to mind). While initially seen as […]
lindbeck after wittgenstein?
While being a very sad indicator of the current state of our health system, the below article by the NY Times reveals the symptom (the hidden truth) of our economy. What is best for the individual, environmental, social, and political health of our community is not what is best for the economy. The common good, […]
Courtesy of our friends (via an email I received) at the Campaign for America‘s future here are few facts and figures to put the President’s speech in context: ON INCOMES: –Median household income in 2000: $47,599–Median household income in 2005: $46,326(US Census Bureau, Table H-8. Median Household Income by State: 1984 to 2005) –Salary of […]
Welcoming Christ in the Migrant
I got a new computer…
In the wake of Christmas time and Advent, when God becomes a human in Jesus Christ, I want to consider how the ‘person’ of Christ is different than the ‘person’ of Corporations? There has been adequate critique of the Church organizing like a business corporation, but what about the Church living in, but not of, […]
Best Contemporary Theology Meme
Cynthia Neilsen tagged me to compile a list of what I believe to be the most important and substantial theological works published in the last 25 years (1981-2006). The originator of the meme desires that the focus of our selection be theology (not biblical exegesis, historical studies etc., unless these are of special theological interest!). […]