missional prayer spiritual disciplines Uncategorized

Absorbing the Cross: Lenten Reflection

(Reposted from last year). Last week I attended a conference in D.C, missing the Ash Wednesday service at our congregation in Chicago.  Instead I attended one offered by the conference.  The service was beautiful and well thought out.  Some words were offered by Dallas Willard, but the only phrase I remember is when he said, […]


Into the bare infinity of your uncrowded presence

Gifts often obscure the giver, when we are more interested in what we are receiving.  This is never more clear than in our lives of faith, when we celebrate the grace and gifts of God, but often we never move back toward the giver. Can we learn again to say, with Tagore, …raise me from […]


Missional Community that Makes a Difference, pt. 1.

So I’ve been reading Scott Boren’s new Missional Small Groups, not a book I would normally pick up because, well, let’s face it, anything with “Small Groups” in the title is suspect.  But after I got over that bout of snobbery I dove in, and it’s been quite compelling.  I found chapter three very helpful, […]


“Would you like crash helmet, or life-jacket?”

“On the whole, I do not find Christians, outside of the catacombs, sufficiently sensible of conditions. Does anyone have the foggiest idea what sort of power we so blithely invoke? Or, as I suspect, does no one believe a word of it? The churches are children playing on the floor with their chemistry sets, mixing […]


Big Bang, Big Boom

No matter your view on evolution, this is an amazing artistic feat. The time and execution are outstanding in this urban artistic adventure from blu.

discipleship ecclecia ecclesiology evangelical missional theology Uncategorized

When mission grows up…the church?

Too often the efforts of church planting and evangelism in unreached places, goes by the term ‘missions.’  But when a group of believers is sufficiently gathered, we then say that a ‘church’ has been established.  The linking of terms in a before-after type of relationship has often been propagated by mission agencies themselves. But is […]

ecclecia ecclesiology evangelical missional

Is the un-conference the next Big Conference?

I think not. But that is the buzz that I’ve been hearing?  And it get’s me all rankled up.  Really?  Are people beginning to think this.  I’m probably hot and bothered because I’m part of a team planning the next Missional Learning Commons here in Chicago in a couple of weeks.  I just don’t get […]

discipleship missional

The Catch 22 of Power and Initiation

I’ve just started teaching a class at Trinity on “Issues for Men in Ministry.”  I’m taking the angle that really it is manhood that is the mystery here, not not ministry.  That unless men learn (maybe for the first time) what manhood is then it is impossible to function as a man in ministry.  Indeed, […]


On Vacation, new posts in August

But thankfully my family is much more exciting than this. 🙂


Fun with blocks and catapults

The boys and I made this a bit ago.  Fun with blocks and catapults.  Proof that I’m not only a book worm.