
Other-than the “Ice Bucket Challenge”

So on Sunday I was finally tagged with an “Ice Bucket Challenge”. But on Saturday I came across this video by actor Orlando Jones, who “thinks there’s one “disease” that needs more awareness.  It’s one “disease” that happens to dispropotionately affect black people” (via Root, read the entire artcile here).   You can see him interviewed about […]

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My Addiction to Off-line: A Tragically True Tale

It might have been a disease. But I’m pretty sure it was an addiction. It was especially strong in college. But back then everyone was doing it and there was a lack of awareness (like when everyone used to smoke in old movies because they thought is was good for you). You see, I was addicted […]

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Far Country Sightings (8/4)

Larry Hurtado offers some wise words about “Scholarly work and the blogosphere”: “If you do want to engage the issues, you’re just going to have to do some serious reading . . . in books, and articles, and in the original sources on which scholarly work is based.  The Internet and the “blogosphere” hasn’t really […]

Christology discipleship ecclecia ecclesiology economics evangelical God Jesus Jesus Christ missional Recent Posts

The poor you will always have with you.

For the poor you will always have with you, and you can show kindness to them whenever you wish: but you will not always have me. (Mark 14:7)  From crude realism to hopeless resignation, this quote from Jesus is confusing at best and disheartening at worst. What? So poverty and inequality are just a fact […]

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Far Country Sightings (7/24)

Must READ: Christianity Today posts a reflection from a Mosul Christian enduring the resent upheaval.  CT has changed its logo to include the Arabic letter (n), used by ISIS to mark Christian homes in Iraq. For some context on what is happening in Mosul: After 2000 Years the Last Christian is Forced to Leave Mosul.  […]


Sighting (7/22)

I was gone for the last week on a missions trip to Birmingham, AL (I had a great time with the youth, and had a very moving visit of the Civil Rights Institute). Hear are some “far country” sightings that I’m catching up on: Christena Cleveland reminds us of 5 ways to stay encouraged in […]

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Evangelical Influencers: A Mirror Into Our Future

From my new post over at Missio Alliance: Where Is The Church? In conclusion, I ask, “Where is the church reflected in a list like this?”, especially if it is to represent the future leaders of the church.  In reading this article most of those listed come off as completely churchless (which for many is […]

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The Forgotten Lesson of Bonhoeffer, and the American Church

I am worried about the rising popularity of Bonhoeffer in the United States. Very worried. I’m worried not because of his theology, or his political views, or his activism. I’m worried because so many people are interested in him…so many different people. Some people laud him for his non-violent pacifism, and other for his violent […]

Bible discipleship ecclecia ecclesiology evangelical evangelicalism God Recent Posts Scripture

Mastering Objectivity? Or Subject to the Bible

Tim Challies ended a recent post criticizing the practice of Lectio Divina by saying, “This, then, is a danger in Lectio Divina, that it may teach us to approach the text subjectively rather than objectively.” But what is the big deal about reading the text subjectively as opposed to objectively? 3 Subjects of Scripture It is […]

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In the End, God…

In the End, God makes all things right. In the End, God conquers death and life reigns. In the End, God overcomes sin and freedom persists. In the End, God dwells forever with humanity. Origin stories are compelling. Where did that great business come from? Where did our superheroes come from? Where did we come […]