Christology ecclecia ecclesiology Jesus Christ Liturgical Calendar missional Recent Posts

Being the Temple for the World, #4

Here is the complete series: 1, 2, 3a, 3b, 4, 5, 6. So we have talked about how Heaven and Earth are best thought as God’s Temple, and that God rests in his temple residence as the ruler of the cosmos. This naturally leads us to ask, “Ok, so what does humanity have to do with […]

ecclesiology Jesus Christ missional Recent Posts Scripture Tabernacle Temple theology

Being the Temple for the World #3b

(SNARK: I’m hoping to answer, “Everything you didn’t know you didn’t know about it about God resting.”)

Yesterday the post was getting long so I cut it off and will pick it up now (see this for the beginning of the series).

Yesterday we talked about “The Cosmic Temple of Creation: A Dwelling…”, in that heaven and earth were made to be a dwelling place for God to rest. But what exactly does this means.

The Cosmic Temple of Creation: …For Resting (which is Productive)

If a temple is a place for a god’s dwelling and ruling, then this is what we need to understand by a god resting in a temple. “Rest” is not a cessation of work, but a sitting down from all the preparatory work to engage in the real work of ruling. Let me explain.

missional Recent Posts Scripture Tabernacle Temple theology


  Here is the complete series: 1, 2, 3a, 3b, 4, 5, 6. So I’m getting a little behind on writing up my class notes for “God With Us: Being the Temple for the World” at Life on the Vine.  Today I’ll be summarizing what we talked about two weeks ago.  Hopefully on Friday I’ll […]

Lent Recent Posts


Here is the complete series: 1, 2, 3a, 3b, 4, 5, 6.   Last Sunday was our second class on “God with Us: Being the Temple for the World.” (Because not everyone at Life on the Vine is able to made the class, and perhaps others on the inter-webs might be interested, so I’m trying […]

Recent Posts

Not only to Believe, but also to Suffer (Phil. 1 and Prayer)

This morning I read this after hearing of the horrible deaths of 21 Egyptian Christians. “Lord have mercy.” Phil. 1:27-30: 27 Whatever happens, conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ. … 28 without being frightened in any way by those who oppose you. This is a sign to them that they will be destroyed, but […]

Advent Christology discipleship ecclesiology Epiphany God Recent Posts Tabernacle Temple

Being the Temple for the World #1

On Sunday we started new class on “God with Us: Being the Temple for the World”

I know that not everyone at Life on the Vine could make it, and perhaps others on the inter-webs might be interested, so I’m going to try and write up quick summaries of each class.

We started with the question of “What does the phrase ‘God with us’ make us think about it”? Answers ranged from this being a comforting promise to it being a truth that can seriously let us down. Is God ‘with us’ in our ideas, opinions, our community, the world? And really, how, when, and where is God ‘with us’? Is “GOD with us” or “God with US”? And what does this have to do with “salvation”, and “eschatology”, and all those other theological words?

God With Us

After this discussion I began to set the terms and outline for the class. The first is “God with us.”

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Showing up for Advent?

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Prodigal Christianity

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Christology discipleship Jesus Jesus Christ Racism Recent Posts

Grieving For Ferguson and Beyond

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