What is the core of discipleship? Does information + action = discipleship? Is there something missing from this equation? Fitch and Holsclaw discuss the important aspect of “seeing yourself in another story” in the process of discipleship. Only in the conversion of our imagination, immersed in a different story and seeing the world and […]
The De-Radicalization of MLK
Have we lost the legacy of Martin Luther King, Jr? Have we assimilated him into the American Dream, losing the Dream he had for America in the process? David Fitch and Geoff Holsclaw sit down with local pastor Pierre Keys and student-activist Josiah Daniels to talk about the past and future of the Civil […]
What makes your community tick? What is the glue holding you together? Is it what you THINK of God or what you DO with God? Kicking off the New Year David Fitch and Geoff Holsclaw talk about how church’s can no longer merely gather around common beliefs but around common practices (practices that promise […]
Here are all five *special episodes* recorded at this year’s Missional Commons which focused on “The Mission of Preaching” (hosted by NORTHERN SEMINARY and ECCLESIA NETWORK). All of the Episodes: BOASTING IN WEAKNESS: The Source of our Ministry ~ Mandy Smith PREACHING OR TEACHING? ~ David Fitch POUR OVER SERMONS: Brewing in the Spirit ~ […]
#17 Should the Church Protest?
“What’s the difference anyway?” you might ask when it comes to preaching and teaching. In this special episode, pastor and professor David Fitch talks about this difference between preaching and teaching, and how we need to proclaim the gospel in the pulpit, around the dinner table, and the everywhere else. This is the second of […]
Initially revival and mission movements, why do most denominations lose their founding Spirit and settle into an established Letter? “You make void the word of God by our traditions” says Jesus (Mark 7:13). Is this slow shift from the Spirit to the Letter inevitable? “Have our denominations shifted from their spirit of mission to the letter […]
Can you “boast in your (ministry) weakness”? Author, speakers and pastor Mandy Smith discusses how vulnerability and limitation is the true source of ministry effectiveness. Let us all learn to embrace our own humanity. Please check out her new book “The Vulnerable Pastor“. This is the first of five *special episodes* recorded at this […]
What you’re NOT thinking about is often the most important thing about you. This is the impact of “ideology”, the hidden assumptions that effect our thoughts and provoke our emotions. In this new episode David Fitch and Geoff Holsclaw talk about the “making of misunderstanding” caused b the different ideological assumptions we bring into our relationships […]
The Local Church is Going…Local
What is the focus of the Local Church? Should it focus on being…LOCAL? Dave and Geoff talk about the importance of practicing the presence of Christ in the neighborhoods we find ourselves. This special episode is the first time in front of a live audience. The best way to support “Theology on Mission” is […]