God is guiding us out of the land of slavery into a place of freedom and love. This is what the 10 Commandments are for: They orient us to freedom, to fidelity. Seventh Word “You shall not commit adultery.” (Ex. 20:14) Some say… Some say this word is primarily about sex outside of marriage, about committing fornication. […]
Focusing on blood is tough for us modern people—especially sacrificial blood. We don’t really have any category for that. And yet, if we are to celebrate our redemption in Christ as we did in the previous post on the Evangelical Preaching of the Cross: Redemption, then we must affirm that—in some way— our redemption is […]
Loving: The First Word of Freedom
Something surprising happens in a wedding ceremony. The bride and groom, after great preparation and full of love for each other, step forward to be united in marriage. And at the climax of that ceremony, they put conditions on their love for each other. These conditions are exchanged as vows. These vows take the unconditional […]
Absorbing the Cross: Ash Wednesday
A couple years ago I attended a conference in D.C, missing the Ash Wednesday service at our congregation in Chicago. Instead I attended one offered by the conference. The service was beautiful and well thought out. Some words were offered by Dallas Willard, but the only phrase I remember is when he said, “The Cross […]