Wars and rumors of war are nothing new. On a dangerous journey at great cost to themselves, the Magi (Wise Men or Kings) were pressing through the difficult and the danger. They were looking for something. They were “seekers.” Or as some say, they were “searchers.”
Aaron Bjerke notes the neglected “searcher” demographic.
- Seekers are people engaged with Christians in some way to explore the faith.
- Skeptics are the doubters who reject faith.
- But Searchers, as Bierke calls them, are looking for spiritual experiences through meditation, mindfulness, and other spiritual practices.
Basically, searchers are looking for “peace in a chaotic life” and they are looking at spiritual practices to find this peace.
Does it work?
Bierke claims these searchers are less interested in truth, and more interested in whether something works. They are pragmatists.
What this means for missions, evangelism, and the church, is that we need a faith that actually brings peace, that actually brings hope, actually brings life, and “life to the fullest” (John 10:10).
Something Dangerous? Back to the Magi

Bierke leaves off with some thoughts on how to leverage the Bible and prayer as an on-ramp for searchers.
But I want to return to the Magi.
The Magi were certainly “searcher”. They used their own pagan practices to discern that something was happening in the world. And they sought it out.
But they were also tempted. Their journey was almost hijacked by evil forces. King Herod tried to recruit them to his plan, for his gain. Only because of a warning by God were they kept from danger, and from endangering others.
And whether it is spiritual forces, or just slick personalities, the “meditation market” makes also sorts promises of peace, productivity, happiness, and self-actualization. But too often it just delivers emptiness.
Something Better!
The church—through the Spirit of Jesus—offers something far better, more really, and more effective.
Jesus breathes on his disciples the Spirit of peace (John 14:26-27), and where the Spirit of Jesus is there is freedom (2 Cor. 3:17).
Like the Magi, people are searching.
Will we be, for these “searchers”, a light that will lead them to God in the flesh? Will we engage these “searcher” with a life in Christ that actually makes difference?
What do you see as the opportunity for the church in the burgeoning “meditation market”?
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