For the past 9 months I’ve been in the process of joining a contemplative-charismatic movement known as The Order of the Common Life.
It is reimagining what a monastic religious order might look like in the 21st century (in a dispersed, non-local manner).
“Why would they do that?” you might ask.
“And why are you interested in it?” might be the follow up.
Personally, I was looking for two things.
First, I wanted a way to connect deep longing for liturgical and contemplative spirituality with my growing more charismatic side.
Second, I wanted (no, I NEEDED) a community of spiritual formation that was committed to pursing a structured and deliberate life of seeking God’s presence.
As I’m sure all of you know, it is hard to keep focused on the things of Jesus with all the distractions of everyday life—all by yourself.
I just became a novitiate (for the next 12-24 months), graduating out of postulancy (last 9 months). Yeah!

Big picture, The Order of the Common Life is hoping to offer something to the 21st-century world which is searching for a way to give deep, meaningful and authentic shape to life.
As The Order says, “Our work is to join you and local churches in cultivating abundant lives around common commitments and practices that help us notice and nurture the work of God where we are. We believe we stand in a long tradition of religious orders who have helped the Church do this very thing.”
The Order of the Common Life gathers around a rule of 4 common rhythms (bodily labor, prayer, study, and rest) and 12 common commitments (see the rule here).
Interested in Jumping In?
Because the contemplative-charismatic life is not on of just thinking, but one of doing, you should jump in where I jumped in this time last year.
You should star with “The Contemplative Foundations” course.
This both introduces you to the stream of contemplative spirituality (if you don’t know much about it already), and prepares you for the first step of exploring The Order of the Common Life (which is called postulancy, “one who asks/explores”).