Discovering the God Who Wants to be with us

Does God Really Like Me?

"In a world dominated by feelings of deficiency and distress, we badly need to hear the message of this book." ~ James Bryan Smith, author of The Good and Beautiful God

We all know how it feels to be overlooked, rejected, and ashamed. Maybe we believe God loves us, but does God really like us?

The truth is, God really wants to be WITH YOU!

Filled with personal stories and clear tea
ching, Does God Really LIke Me? Discovering the God Who Wants to Be With Us applies the good news of the gospel to the shame and disconnection we experience in our lives.


"God doesn’t only love you because he has to. God doesn’t just put up with you or because he promised to. God actually wants to be with you. He’s always wanted to be with you."

THE AUTHORS: Cyd and Geoff Holsclaw

Cyd and Geoff are both pastors at Vineyard North in Grand Rapids, Michigan. They have been married for 20 years and have two teenage boys.

Cyd is also a ministry and life coach, and a spiritual director. Geoff is also an affiliate professor of theology at Northern Seminary, and is the co-author of Prodigal Christianity.


"If you've ever struggled to fully embrace the truth that God loves you and delights in you, Does God Really Like Me? is a reorienting and reassuring read." ~ Sharon Garlough Brown, author of the Sensible Shoes Series
"If you know in your head that God loves you, but you wrestle in your heart with whether God actually likes you, then this book will help." ~ J. R. Briggs, founder of Kairos Partnerships, author of Fail
"If you've ever wondered if there is anything really good in the good news, then listen to the gospel again with the Holsclaws." ~ Cherith Fee Nordling, author of Knowing God by Name


Get your copy today (paper, digital, audio) and learn just how much God WANTS to be WITH YOU!

Cyd & Geoff take us on a journey through Scripture to help us rediscover the vital and liberating truth that God delights in us.

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    We’ve all felt disconnected, judged, and overwhelmed. We know how it feels when someone doesn’t want us around.

    This colors our experience of GOD.

    Maybe you’ve felt like God is ignoring, judging, shaming you, or just putting up with you.

    Does God Really Like Me? will help you see that God is always glad to be with you, and wants nothing more than to draw you into his family.



    • Believe God is angry with you?
    • Struggle connecting with God?
    • Sink under shame and guilt?
    • Struggle to understand the big picture of the Bible?


    • Show you God delights in you.
    • Invite you to leave shame and return to a life of joy.
    • Offer you ways to connect with God's presence.
    • And help you read your Bible a new way.