Like Jesus, we need to overturn the tables of those peddling gender hierarchies within the temple of our bodies.

Wars and rumors of war are nothing new. On a dangerous journey at great cost to themselves, the Magi (Wise Men or Kings) were pressing through the difficult and the danger. They were looking for something. They were “seekers.” Or as some say, they were “searchers.” Aaron Bjerke notes the neglected “searcher” demographic. Seekers […]
Or, Should Christians Wear Crystals? Contrary to other answers here, I would say Yes, positive and negative energy exists, and they are at work in your life. But the Bible talks about it pretty differently than new age spirituality does. And there is a whole different kind of protection that Christians have, much better than […]
Asking if Pentecost leads to democracy might sound like an odd question. But I really want to ask whether Christianity has a particular political-social form. In other words, is Christianity particularly suited for (or the cause of) Western Liberalism? Or, does the Spirit that animates Pentecost also animate democracy? Pentecost and Equality Some see Pentecost, […]
We need to change our understanding of being born-again. And we need to change our emphasis on atonement. “You’re a ‘born-again Christian’, right?” I was asked this while at O’Mei, a fine dining Chinese restaurant I worked at through college. My first thought was, Aren’t all Christians born-again? But I said, “I don’t know. What […]
Responding with prayer is right (but not in the way you think). The immediate reaction to shootings like the one in Las Vegas is to offer “thoughts and prayers.” We make an image-card and post it on social media. And we say prayers for those grieving. But the immediate response to this by progressives is to […]
Ok, yes, it might sound extreme. But let’s be sober-minded. As Todd Hiestand (and the comments) notes in his great post, “10 Suggestions/Thoughts on Bi-vocational Ministry”, being a missional bi-vocational pastor is hard, it takes commitment, it takes faith. But in this post-Christian context (or at least outside of the ever shrinking Christendom pockets), the […]
(SNARK: I’m hoping to answer, “Everything you didn’t know you didn’t know about it about God resting.”)
Yesterday the post was getting long so I cut it off and will pick it up now (see this for the beginning of the series).
Yesterday we talked about “The Cosmic Temple of Creation: A Dwelling…”, in that heaven and earth were made to be a dwelling place for God to rest. But what exactly does this means.
The Cosmic Temple of Creation: …For Resting (which is Productive)
If a temple is a place for a god’s dwelling and ruling, then this is what we need to understand by a god resting in a temple. “Rest” is not a cessation of work, but a sitting down from all the preparatory work to engage in the real work of ruling. Let me explain.