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Neuroscience and Spiritual Formation: Shifting to “Embodied Faith” Site

Welcome. So glad you found me. For the last year or so I’ve been shifting my writing to EMBODIED FAITH, which is connecting spiritual formation and relational neuroscience. More about me below… Short Bio: Geoff Holsclaw (PhD) is cohost of the Embodied Faith podcast, which seeks a neuroscience-informed spiritual formation. Geoff is also leading a DMIN in […]

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Is the mental health crisis because…

Question: Is the mental health crisis because: 1) our culture is more aware/open about mental health issues so more people are getting help, overwhelming current resources? Or, 2) our culture has raised the bar of social success so high that just about everyone feels they are failing (causing mental health issues needing attention)? I generally […]

discipleship missional

On Distorting Sex, Marriage, the Gospel (Live Q&A w/ Dr. Beth Felker Jones)

Like Jesus, we need to overturn the tables of those peddling gender hierarchies within the temple of our bodies.


The Irony of Progressive Critiques of Revival

Is Christianity essentially individualistic or social? Is following Jesus personal or communal? Progressives can’t decide.

Attachment Neuroscience Recent Posts

Technically right, but relationally wrong

Being “technically right” is only half of what is going on.It is only half of what counts as what “really happened”.

Embodied Faith spiritual disciplines Spiritual Formation

Can you want to want God?

I hate being told what I “want” by someone else. So why does St. Ignatius of Loyola keep telling us to “ask for what I want”?

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Is Christian Sexuality Repressive?

What if the traditional Christian sexual ethic (as we see in early monasticism) isn’t oppressive or repressive? What if it was liberating?

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Holsclaw Ministry Update

We’ve always had a dual calling in our ministry: one in the local church, and the other to the church more broadly. That’s changing a little.

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Is lack of certainty really maturity?

There is a mistaken view that, in our spiritual journey, losing our certainty equals gaining in our spiritual maturity.

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The Cure, not the Cause, of Suffering

Let us never say that God is the cause of our suffering. But let us always say, hope, and know that God (the Father sending the Son in the power of the Spirit) IS THE CURE.