evangelical evangelicalism

Does the Truth of Christianity Correspond to Anything?

Seeking correspondence with reality might work for science. But it certainly doesn’t work for the most important truths in the world.

Culture Deconstruction ecclesiology evangelical evangelicalism Fundamentalism theology

11 Reasons Why I Criticize (White Christian) Progressive-Liberalism

I was recently asked why I regularly “go after” Christian progressive-liberalism.  I was asked specifically what my “motivation” is. Short answer: Because progressive-liberalism repeats or is reactive to fundamentalism, and fails to be faithful to the truth entrusted to the church.

Culture discipleship ecclesiology evangelical evangelicalism Fundamentalism

Why Do I Criticize Evangelical-Fundamentalism?

Short answer: Because they are my people and they are more liberal than they know, and it’s causing people to walk away.

Culture Deconstruction discipleship evangelicalism Recent Posts

3 Tragic Results of the Disembodied Faith of SBC Leadership; or, Why the Truth of Sexual Abuse is Never a Distraction

Thinking the truth of sexual abuse would be a distraction means we don’t know the gospel of the crucified and risen Lord, and that we have a disembodied faith.  The disembodied faith of SBC leadership causes 3 tragic results… • The debasement of bodies (primarily of women and minorities)• The distortion of truth (as a […]

ecclesiology evangelical evangelicalism Gospel politics Recent Posts

Why Conservative Christianity Should (and Shouldn’t Be) Charged in the Capitol Assault; or, Why the Folk Religion of Christian Nationalism is a Major Problem for the Church

Should conservative Christianity be charged as partially responsible for inciting violence in the past Capitol Assault and possibly in the near future at Biden’s inauguration? Arrests are still being made as responsibility is being assessed for the destruction and death on January 6th. Should Conservative American Christianity be added to the list? How do we […]

evangelical evangelicalism Gospel Recent Posts

Fundamentalism is an Autoimmune Disease

Christian Fundamentalism is like an autoimmune disease.  I know it sounds harsh. And I was raised Fundamentalist, and I’ve suffered under its effects. So let me explain.  An autoimmune disease is when the immune system attacks the body it is meant to protect.   This is what Fundamentalism has been doing to the Evangelical body […]

evangelical evangelicalism Recent Posts

How 3 Conspiracy Theory Vices Come From Evangelical Virtues

Evangelicals are known for sharing their faith and standing for truth. But these virtues can turn into vices that threaten our gospel witness. Are Christians especially primed for conspiracy theories during this crisis?  Are evangelical especially susceptible? Many are shocked (or not shocked at all) with how frequently conservative Christians share conspiracy theories online. Why […]

20 For 20 evangelical evangelicalism Gospel Jesus Christ

The Other Bridge Illustration: Visual Christus Victor

For all those visual learners who need to see it to understand it. This is the “Other Bridge Illustration.” And yes, I drew these while at Starbucks. (David Fitch and I did an entire podcast on this topic if you are interested.) The Original Bridge Illustration But first we must talk about the Original Bridge […]

evangelical evangelicalism politics Recent Posts

Are Evangelicals White? A Brief History

CEOs withdraw from Trump’s advisory councils because of the Presidents bankrupt statements about Charlottesville—maybe because of their moral backbone, but probably because of the financial bottomline. But so far no evangelical advisors have stepped down. It makes people ask, “Are evangelicals really are just White?” For some this is self-evident. Others vigorously deny it. And […]

evangelical evangelicalism politics Racism

Subordination and #AltonSterling

I was about halfway through another post talking about theology and the Trinity and why claims for the “eternal subordination of Son” makes for bad theology. And then I saw the new about #AltonSterling, another black man shot by white police. And so I wrote this instead, because I couldn’t finish the other post…(it is […]