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5 Reasons Why Calling the Election a Fraud Because Your Favorite Prophets Do Is Dangerous

I believe in Prophecy

I have made life altering decisions based on receiving a direct word from God. I pressed on in faith and prayer when things were confusing. I went back and remembered what was heard.

I believe in prayer — that it actually does stuff in the world. I have prayed desperate prayers for housing, for finances, for conflicts to be resolved, for health to be restored.

I believe God speaks to his people, that the gift of prophecy is and should be active in our churches, and that God answers prayers.

I also believe people can get it wrong

People can hear God’s word wrong, confuse God’s word with their own hopes, and confuse God’s word when they are false words from the enemy.

It is difficult work to test and approve God’s will (Rom. 12:2).

It is hard work learning the difference between:

  • A word from God
  • A word from the flesh
  • A word from the enemy

There are many resources for discerning God’s Word for us. I’ll pull something together soon.

But Right Now It Is Dangerous that Prophets and their Followers are Calling this Election a Fraud

I’m seeing in the charismatic, pentecostal, and prophetic movements a lack of willingness to admit that their prophecies about Trump winning a second term were false.


Instead of acknowledging that their prophecies were false, they are insisting that the election was a fraud.

I see calls to prayer and petitions circulating that we need to fight for the truth of God’s will to be done. And that God’s revealed will is being thwarted by election fraud. And that we must claim, hold onto, and receive God’s word about the re-election of Trump and denounce the lying news media.

And of course President Trump has been priming that pump for months, that the election would be a fraud because of all the mail-in voting.

Again, this is dangerous.

Dangerous not only for our democracy — which isn’t really my main concern.

But this is dangerous for the church and for our discipleship.

5 Reasons Calling Something a Fraud Because of a False Prophecy is Dangerous

Danger #1: Too much faith in these prophets

Celebrity prophets are given too much power within the prophetic movement and charismatic circles (just like celebrity pastors are given too much power within typical evangelical circles).

We put too much faith in them by overlooking their excesses, expecting too much from them, and failing to hold them accountable.

We are in danger of believing that the more we believe in the words of these prophets that this somehow will prove our own faith to God.

But we should place our faith in God—alone. Human leaders are and leadership is necessary — but fallible.

Let us not put too much faith in these prophets.

Danger #2: Too Little Faith In Local Government

Many complained about the deep state trying to impeach Trump, always standing in his way, always thwarting him.

But elections are not run by the deep state. They aren’t even run by the federal government.

Elections are run by ordinary people in each state, county, city, and township. These aren’t deep state people.

Elections are run by your neighbors.

And Paul’s words about God’s purposes for governments holds whether your party is in office or not (Rom. 13:1-7).

If the election is a fraud, it will be found out.

But as of yet there is no evidence of widespread fraud, and Trump and these prophets saying so doesn’t make it so. And thinking so is dangerous thinking.

Danger #3: Reduction of Prophecy to Prediction

Prophetic words about futures event in a tiny part of prophecy.

A tiny part. Very small. Miniscule.

Yes, there are examples of prophecy as prediction in the Old Testament. And a couple recorded in the book of Acts. And we could even throw in Daniel and Revelation — although many have shipwrecked their faith trying to decipher those books as a book of predictions.

But these celebrity prophets clinging to their words about the future are in danger of training the church into the idea that prophecy is all about words of prediction.

It’s NOT.

What does Paul say about prophecy?

“Those who prophesy speak to other people for their upbuilding and encouragement and consolation” (1 Corinthians 14:3).

Most often a prophetic word is about one’s identity in the here and now, about building up an individual or a group in the present.

False prophecy is known by its addiction to prediction.

Danger #4: Loss of the Prophethood of all Believers

I take this danger from the title of a small book by Roger Stronstad.

God’s desire is that we would all become prophets, experienced in the ways of receiving and giving a word from God.

We don’t just have the priesthood of all believers.
We have the prophethood of all believers.

But a focus on celebrity prophets makes us dependent on them, on their times of prayer, on their fasting, on their words from God.

Instead, returning to the apostle Paul, he says “Pursue love and strive for the spiritual gifts, and especially that you may prophesy…I would like all of you to speak in tongues, but even more to prophesy” (I Cor. 14: 1, 5).

Those who follow these prophets would do better to receive their own words from God right now, words for the present.

And we would do better to enter into the rigorous training that knows the difference between words of God, words of the flesh, and words of the enemy — and that we would learn the humility to admit when they heard wrong.

Danger #5: Prophecy Replaces Critical Thinking

As I said before, I believe prayer works — it does things in the world. I believe in healings (and have experienced them). I believe in angels and demons.

But I also use my God-given faculty of reason and discernment.

Living in a naturally supernatural world means we always need to be open to natural causes.

Mental health issues aren’t always demonic afflictions.
Physical health isn’t just because of sin.
A failed business deal isn’t spiritual oppression.

Sometimes, or rather, often God is working through natural pathways as much as supernatural ones.

So we need to use our critical thinking, rather than outsourcing common sense to prophetic words.

Regarding the presidential election, critical thinking would say that it is just as likely that hundreds of thousands of moderates who voted for Trump four years ago changed their minds about him this year.

It isn’t a conspiracy to think that moderates in Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania who voted for Obama (twice), then changed their minds and voted for Trump, now again changed their minds and voted for Biden.

That isn’t crazy to think.

That would actually be the common sense, critical thinking kind of answer to why the election went against Trump and for Biden.

So, Let’s Do This…

Let’s regain some common sense and critical thinking.
Let’s regain the prophethood of all believers.
Let’s regain the real roles of prophecy beyond predictions.
Let’s regain a little faith in the government God has ordained.
Let’s regain more faith in our ability to hear from God.

Growing faith for everyday people

Returning the prophetic to everyday people, giving them the tools to understand prayer, to have the critical thinking tools of faith, and to better understand the Bible is exactly why I’m working on launching a little side project called “Grassroots Christianity”. ?

It is for all those who want to take hard questions and honest doubts and use them as the fertilizer of faith.

Check out this little GRASSROOTS THEOLOGY MANIFESTO all about it.

Failing to Find God's Presence?

Bring your faith into FOCUS with the FREE REFOCUSING FAITH CHECKLIST.

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8 replies on “5 Reasons Why Calling the Election a Fraud Because Your Favorite Prophets Do Is Dangerous”

Yes; completely agree. To his credit, Kris Vallotin reently apologized for getting his prophecy about this election wrong, but too often celebrity prophets move on to something else and/or make excuses.

Oh so glad that someone put common sense in written words. Thank you for your article. I just keep thinking of the proverb ‘Pride comes before a fall and a haughty spirit before destruction’. May we as Christians be wise and bold enough to believe God’s written Word. Has ‘Man’ become so perfect that ‘their truth’ has become The Truth.?

Voter fraud may actually be part of the situation here. Possibly not enough to swing the vote back. And I do agree that we need to watch how much faith we put in your so called celebrity prophets. We should “test every word” while keeping the balance of “not treating prophecy with contempt”. I also agree that critical thinking and hearing from the lord personally is important…especially in times like these. But I do think that putting our trust has in the government is not intelligent. They may be instated by God…but so was Nebucadnezar. Does that mean that Daniel and the boys should have trusted him and done everything he said…like bow down to the statue?
There is more going on than meets the eye and most people that have a prophetic gift (developed or not) can see this.

I’m super interested in your comment about voter fraud, especially in light of every single judicial ruling in many different states where the plaintiff team rePEATedly denies any fraud has occurred…in court, a signed affidavit is NOT evidence of a crime, it is simply evidence that someone has said they saw something, and all those lawyers know this.

Not one time has evidence of fraud been put on the record in court and several times specific denials of any fraud have been.

In PA, there are two documented cases of actual voter fraud, and each of them was a voter for trump trying to vote again…they were summarily caught and punished.

The only chance of fraud that still exists is the potential for the Supreme Court to insert itself into this and hand the presidency to trump, which would be the defrauding of the rule of law itself.

Frankly, I think it is unlikely the court will hear any case in this situation. And yes yes, we shall see…but to hold back comment for fear of being wrong is to cede the field to those who have no fear of speaking with poison words to vulnerable and gullible souls.

I totally agree with you. I do not have faith in our government at all. Are we all suppose to bow down to the statue of Baal now because our government says to. Are we suppose to be okay with the murder of or mutilation of innocent babies, this makes no sense at all. Who is going to take a stand if not Christians or Followers of the Way. I believe in discernment and that not a lot of people use it. I also know that our job is to preach the Gospel with love wherever we go. What if Trump was God’s choice but then He changed His mind because so many people that are God’s so called people changed their votes to Biden. What if the half percent of the Church actually changed the decision of the outcome. What if the Church partnered with wickedness and instead of the Lord’s blessing, we will now recieve judgment and be the cause of a curse that is going to come to America. The church is not united but divided like never before. Nobody prays or reads their Bible’s anymore but just listens to what a pastor says and agrees with it. God can use evil people to execute His judgment on His people. It is time for the Church to wake up.

Excellent article. Speaking as a British person in the UK, who has followed the Lord Jesus Christ for 54 years, I say “thank goodness for Holy Spirit inspired common-sense”. Your former President, Donald Trump won a record number of votes and President Joe Biden won an even recordier number of votes, so he won.
The FBI, the Attorney General, 60 court cases, and even ERIC say there was no election fraud to tip the balance.
Let’s avoid the Leaven of the Herodians and stop being water boys for Republican or Democrat Party and try and raise Jesus name high!

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